AnnouncementsBe Part Of Something BiggerBuyersLatest NewsSellers March 10, 2025

7th Annual Shred Event March 12th 2025!


CREAM RIDGE SATURDAY, APRIL 12th, 2025 9am to 12pm 210 Route 539, Cream Ridge

Spring Cleaning? Bring your documents to the FREE SHREDDING EVENT at our Cream Ridge office (210 Route 539) on Saturday, April 12th from 9 am to 12 pm just pop the trunk and we’ll do the rest! No need to remove paper clips, staples, hanging file folders, etc. ITEMS NOT ACCEPTED:

3-Ring Binders
Media Items
Metal Objects
Computer Hard Drives
CDs and Cases
Plastic Objects

In the event that the line is long, you will be permitted five boxes at a time. You are welcome to get in the line as many times as you wish, as long as time and shred space allows.

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing non-violent crimes in America. It impacts nearly 9 million victims each year, and approximately 75% of cases are a result of paper documents getting into the wrong hands. Proper destruction of confidential documents is a critical step in ensuring members of the community do not become victims of identity theft. A community-wide shred event sponsored by ERA Central Realty Group makes it possible for members of the community to reduce their exposure to identity theft risk by having their personal and confidential materials securely destroyed in a SafeGuard Document Destruction state-of-the-art mobile shredding truck. SafeGuard Document Destruction is a locally owned company specializing in document destruction. You can be rest assured that your most sensitive and proprietary materials are destroyed on site in the state-of-the-art shredding vehicles prior to leaving the site. Business, home office, and residential clients have entrusted SafeGuard to maintain their information security, legislative compliance, and personal and professional privacy for over 20 years. SafeGuard is a NAID AAA Certified and has GSA approval. For more information, visit This free event is sponsored by ERA Central Realty Group as part of its ongoing community outreach mission. ERA Central Realty has been a part of the Plumsted, Cream Ridge, and Allentown community for over 40 years. ERA Central and its agents are involved in many charitable and community efforts, such as MDA Summer Camp, Project One, Move for Hunger, and their own EDGE Scholarship, for which over $80,000 has been awarded to local college-bound high school students since 2005.